PAX East Picks '23: Part 4

In the final installment of PAX East Picks ‘23, we’ve got an injured vampire, angsty teen, a cute blob, and a Lovecraftian horror monster!



In what is likely my game of the show, Dordogne is an utterly stunning game with an incredible art direction that I can’t recall ever seeing in a video game. Within Dordogne, you play as a 30-something year old woman who recalls some of her memories youth when visiting her grandparent’s home. The water color painting design, paired with lively 3D character animation, made the entire demo a pleasure to see and explore. With this story-driven narrative, I was able to play the first few chapters of the game. There was a clear emphasis on memories, even at numerous times within the game referring to memories more as a physical thing, instead of an ideological concept. During the entire demo, I was beaming from it’s beauty, and just wanted to know more about the characters - any excuse to see more I suppose. Once the 30-minute demo was over, I applauded the representative and hoped that I would be able to see more soon. There is currently no release date, but is scheduled for Nintendo Switch and PC.

Wishlist Dordogne on Steam here

Pixel Pulps: Varney Lake

LCB Game Studio | Chorus Worldwide Games

Combining 1980’s pulp fiction horror with the nostalgia of home-based narrative computer games, developer LCB Game Studio has created Pixel Pulps: Varney Lake. During the demo, I was able to play through a portion of an early segment of the story. Three kids, hanging out during their summer vacation, meet up with a vampire. Though this was a literal slice of the game, I was excited to learn more about the kids, the vampire, and how everything links together. The choice seemed innocuous, but after speaking to the team, they emphasized that early decisions while playing as the kids, could have massive implications in the future of the game. I look forward to the full release and see how everything links together. Varney Lake releases on April 28, 2023 on Nintendo Switch, PlayStation 4/5, Xbox, and PC

Wishlist Varney Lake on Steam here

Animal Well

Shared Memory | Bigmode

Animal Well, is a strange and beautiful metroidvania with plenty of secrets and tons to discover. In the short 15-minute demo, I was able to traverse through a vast 2D area that emphasized exploration. Since there were no directional indicators nor words in sight, Animal Well was a refreshing take, allowing me to go wherever I wanted, platform my way through hazards, and find more puzzles to interact with. Animal Well is planned for PlayStation and PC.

Wishlist Animal Well on Steam here

Edge of Sanity

Vixa Games | Daedalic Entertainment

Edge of Sanity is a Lovecrafian survival horror game with a distinct 2D art style and ominous story. Set in Alaska during the Cold War, you explore the depths of the wilderness, while trying to keep your sanity intact. As part of the gameplay, you’re managing various resources, as well as your own stats. Though the demo was brief, I was intrigued by the premise, psychological strangeness, and layers of complexity that will continue to reveal itself the further the game goes. Edge of Sanity is set to release on PC.

Wishlist Edge of Sanity on Steam here

For more of PAX East impressions, listen to our PAX East ‘23 Breakdown episodes of the Six One Indiecast. And of course, check back here for highlights from the rest of the weekend!

Written by Harry Loizides


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